雙頻道胞外記錄放大器 2-Channel Microelectrode Amplifier
產品型號: 1800
廠牌名稱: A-M Systems
您有進行胞外電生理記錄的需求嗎? A-M system生產的model 1800型雙頻頻胞外記錄放大器價格超值且功能齊全,可用於進行胞外或是組織電生理記錄,每個頻道皆包含了電流刺激功能,刺激與記錄控制皆使用全類比控制方式,讓您能夠快速上手且無需擔心設備相容性。
Each channel of the Model 1800 contains a high-gain, low-noise differential amplifier stage followed by low-pass, high-pass, and notch filters.
Low Noise
1 µV p-p
Greater Than 100 dB CMRR
Easy to Use
Analog Controls
Record or Stimulate Modes
Spike & LFP/EEG Recording
Gain and Filters
The Model 1800 Microelectrode AC Amplifier is a two-channel, differential amplifier intended for extracellular recording and/or stimulating with high impedance metal microelectrodes in research and teaching applications. Ideal for single-cell spike recordings, it can also be used in a number of research or teaching applications requiring extracellular neurophysiological recording from excitable tissue such as nerve, muscle (EMG), EEG, EKG, and ERG recordings.
Each channel of the Model 1800 contains a high-gain, low-noise differential amplifier stage followed by low-pass, high-pass, and notch filters. Three operating modes are available to accomodate recording, stimulating, and verification of electrode impedance. Record Mode offers three levels of signal gain (x100, x1,000, x10,000). Stimulus Mode allows the current passing through the electrode to be measured during stimulation. Impedance Mode utilizes an internally calibrated current source to allow in situ verification of electrode impedance.
In addition, we can modify the Model 1800 to record both spike and LFP\EEG from the same electrode-headstage combination, by routing the post headstage signal to both Model 1800 channels, where each channel has independent gain and filtering. This modification is done in such a way as to preserve complete functionality of both channels, in case you want to revert to normal usage modes. Please contact us for pricing and ordering information.
Headstages Required for Model 1800
The Model 1800 requires the use of pre-amplifying headstages. Headstages are purchased separately, and are calibrated to the base unit at the time of purchase. The headstage for the Model 1800 is small and convenient. It is 0.535 inches (1.395 cm) in diameter and 4 inches (10.2 cm) long.
It includes a 0.187 inch (4.7 mm) diameter mounting rod and 5 feet (1.5 m) of Superflex silicone-jacketed cable which resists mild alkalis, acids and solvents. This cable can be increased to a total length of 12 feet if needed. Please contact us for information and pricing.
Current Model 1800 Headstages are furnished with short interconnects designed to mate with any metal electrodes that terminates in Cooper/Wire-Pro/Amphenol style Reliatac 220-P02 connectors (our product number 520200), including all of A-M Systems metal electrodes.
To use glass micropipette electrodes with the Model 1800 headstage, a compatible microelectrode holder should be purchased. Any pipette holder with a 2 mm pin can mate directly with the headstage without the use of the interconnect. Older Model 1800 headstages (sold prior to March 2013) accept slightly smaller pins for the (+) signal input, and can mate directly to our 1.6 mm pin holders.
- Amplifier for metal microelectrodes
- Two amplifiers in one instrument
- Recording gain options: x100, x1,000, x10,000
- Low noise (1.0 µV p-p typical, 10 Hz–10 kHz)
- High common-mode rejection ratio (100 dB at 60 Hz)
- High line frequency rejection with notch filter (>110 dB at 60 Hz)
- High input impedance (100,000 MΩ)
- Low input bias current (±3 pA typical; ±20 pA maximum)
- Adjustable low and high frequency filters