Cocoon nesting fibers 實驗鼠築巢纖維
Cocoon nesting fibers 實驗鼠築巢纖維可用於實驗鼠的居住環境豐富化, 尤其是懷孕與產後的母鼠
此產品為100%天然棉花製成, 非常適合讓實驗鼠自己撕咬並築成巢穴
此產品一盒6000個, 尺寸 0.5*1.5"
Cocoon is an environmental enrichment nesting product for rodents. It is 100% cotton, made of short fibers reducing the potential tangling issues. Whitened without the use of chlorine Cocoon is extremely easy to dispense with no cutting or tearing required. The animal can move the Cocoon cylinder around their environment easily enhancing natural nest building instincts. They then will pull the cylinder apart and create a warm fluffy bed or nest. Try using Cocoon in partnership with our Refuge II Huts as a great enrichment.